Token Battel events unfold between other tokens.
The Token Battel of the universe is broken, but its fragments are still filled with great power.
The Token Battel Protocol is a community driven token. Three simple functions occur In the battel : 5% Distributed to Holders, 5% Automatic LP, and Burn if the battel requires.
Token battle hopes to take on all other token projects currently on the market. The People to use the power of the Battel token will be rewarded.
Every single Token Battle holder has an incentive to spread the use of Token Battle as much as possible. As more transactions take place on the network, the individual net-worth of all who own a piece of the network increases as well.
Limited Supply:10,500,000,000 tokens
👉10% deflationary
👉5% to holders
👉5% sent to liquidity pool
👉90% community
You're here EARLY!
Imagine buying Bitcoin in 2009 - that's what you can do right now with TOKEN BATTEL!
Burn TOKEN BATTEL thresholds
👉 BURN 5M if we reach 2 000 holders -
👉 BURN 20M if we reach 20 000 holders
👉 BURN 75M if we reach 50 000 holders
👉 BURN 1B if we reach 100 000 holders
As our battles grow larger our Battlefield will also. Launch of the TOKEN BATTEL.
The battlefield Push. We will begin architecting the NFT Exchange and markets. Adding NFTs to the token battel. We also hope to be adding to the team 10-20% to Grow the field. Also start the process of being listed on coin gecko and coin market cap.
TOKEN BATTEL: Take on the other tokens and coins. Battel to see the rise or fall – guess correctly to win! Predict if the price of Coin A Or B will be higher or lower than it was when Battel Started.
As our community token battle holders grows. We will become a top competitor in the defi and crypto market.